The Map Room
F W Beers Atlas Maps for Bristol County 1871 - This is the complete set 35 bound maps
Dartmouth 1795 - Zedock Maxfeld (Link to source)
Dartmouth 1852 Grid map
Dartmouth, Smith Mills, 1856 Grid map
Dartmouth, Hixville, 1856 Grid map
South Dartmouth 1856 Grid map
Dartmouth 1858 Grid map Index
Dartmouth 1871 Grid map
Dartmouth 1895 Grid map Index
Dartmouth street map 2011 Grid map
Dartmouth Villages, Bedford and Fair Haven - 1778, A Revolutionary war map by British Major John Andre
New Bedford 1795 - unknown surveyor (Link to source)
New Bedford Atlas 1881 (Link to online viewer)
Fairhaven 1852 Grid map Index
Russells Mills 1831 When it was called Clayville NEW
The full map Plan of Dartmouth by Henry H. Crapo 1831 New
The full map Plan of Dartmouth by Henry H. Crapo 1831 New
Westport 1795 - Zedock Maxfeld (Link to source)
Westport 1852 Grid map Index
Westport 1858 Grid Map
Tiverton, Ri Circa 1790 from Peleg Burroughs journal
Rhode Island borders Circa 1790 from Peleg Burroughs Journal